Dream Yoga - The Lucid Dreaming Practice Part I

sleeptrust podcast show

Summary: This week you will get a solid toolset that you can use right away to start learning and practicing to go lucid. Lucid dreaming is not only good to integrate the shadow aspects of our personalities BUT also to simply have fun. It is such a great experience that I am convinced that everybody should give this a try. This week I start off by giving you an understanding of what dream yoga is all about and how you can start to practice lucidity right away. And if you want to take it a level higher you will get even more information on next week’s episode where I will give you even more techniques to increase your lucid choices. Also, check out the show notes of this episode to download a FREE DREAM PLAN template at https://www.sleeptrust.eu/043-dream-yoga-lucid-dreaming-practice-part1/