397 Once-In-A-Lifetime

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> You are in the midst of the most rare and beautiful days of your life. They’re right here, all around you. Now maybe you’re in a season of chaos or crisis and there seems to be an absence of beauty in your days.. Maybe you’re in a season of change, and it’s not a change you would have orchestrated. Rest assured, these are still rare and beautiful days with priceless moments in abundance. Today you’re surrounded by once-in-a-lifetime moments. Things that will never, ever, in all of time come your way again. Will you capture it? Will you experience it? Will you savor it? Or will you miss it?<br> What happens to those once-in-a-lifetime moments if you miss them? It’s as if they never existed. Wasted. Gone. And while you may not realize today what you missed, one day you will and you’ll only wish you could have another chance. You’d be willing to give anything for a moment of what you have today.<br> We’re coming down to the end of summer. It’s been hot hasn’t it? A BIG Life sister gave me her hot pink beach cruiser bicycle with a cute little basket on the front. It’s the kind of bike I’ve always envisioned owning, cruising along in a white sundress, toting around fresh flowers in the basket. Yesterday I wanted to ride my new bicycle to the coffee shop to work. But I couldn’t, it was too hot. So I started imagining fall time.<br> But there was a time all I could dream of was summer. Why would I wish this away? Have you forgotten the long, cold hard winter? Have you forgotten how you wished for a day you could go outside without freezing your face off? Christmas 2017 I had my first “freeze your face off” experience. I didn’t know that was a real thing. We spent Christmas in a cabin in South Dakota and our family was skating on a frozen pond and sledding down the mountain hillside. Our photos are priceless. However what those photos won’t show you is the literal feeling of our faces being frozen off. In that moment there was only one thing I wanted more than a big hot cup of coffee … I wanted summer.<br> And here it is. It’s so rare and so beautiful. Moments of priceless opportunities are happening. Opportunities you’ve waited all year for. And today you just might miss them. You may forget that you’ve waited so long for this opportunity. And here’s why … life has a funny way of seducing us into believing there will always be time to do it later. There will be some future day when you have more time, more money, more energy and then you will have more fun. A future date when it will be easier, more convenient, more comfortable. And when that day comes, you will go and do that thing you’ve been wanting to do. You will spend that day with those people you love. You will create that memory. You will take those photos. But it won’t be today. Not today because it’s too hot, it’s too late, you’re too busy, you didn’t lose that weight, you didn’t save the money, you didn’t get the things done. Girl, you will die with not enough money and still not liking the way you look in shorts. Then you really won’t have time. Then it is too late. Give yourself some perspective.<br> We can spend this entire rare and beautiful season of our life foolishly saying “I will … but it won’t be today.” If not today, then you tell me when. Show me the day on the calendar you’re fully committed to making it happen. If you can’t show me the specific date, then you need to choose one. And I’m here to tell you today, yes this Tuesday, this rare and beautiful day of life right here in front of you today, has a whole heck of a lot of potential. Why not choose this one?<br> Will you choose THIS DAY, today, to do something? Something you’ve been saying you will do.