Mission-driven careers with Amanda Silver | Careers Behind the Code

Channel 9 show

Summary: Join Amanda Silver, our first PM guest to learn more about how she accelerated her career with customer understanding and how she harnesses a sense of mission to stay motivated to achieve more. [01:08] - Amanda's roles through the years [03:45] - modern PM - driving culture and anthropology [05:06] - bringing customer into the product [07:07] - career pivot - searching for opportunities with cloud developer [10:50] - figuring out how to bring the entire team to become more customer focused [13:30] - figuring out how to empower her teams [15:30] - PM'ing for Chakra and Typescript - serendipity [19:50] - Moving from specialist to generalist [22:40] - What drives her career? Finding motivation in career and making the world better through developers [25:08] - Amplifying devs [26:52] - How did she get started? Amanda's "nerd family" [28:37] - finding CS [29:53] - why PM and academics vs industry vs startups [35:15] - best career advice : mission and purpose