Fibber McGee and Molly – Collecting Games And Books For Army Camps. ep286, 410506

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In a checker game, Molly watches as Fibber argues with Gildersleeve. The insults about cheating are dished out, but aren’t taken so well. It takes Molly to break up the game, and she wants to send the checkers off to the troops. She tells about a drive to gather games, books, and other materials to the service members who are away from home. Fibber has a run in with his messy closet, then Billy Mills plays some jazzy transitioning music. <br> With the drive for magazines and other material going well, Fibber wants to keep his checkers. The McGee’s talk to Nick Depopolos about his contributions. What will Abigail Uppington be willing to donate? She shares her recent adventure with the Kentucky Derby. How will Harlowe Wilcox spin the situation into a sponsor message? <br> Wallace Wimple is next to donate to the cause. His big old wife, Sweetie Face has something to give, and Wallace wishes she would. Fibber brags about being Son of a Sea Cook McGee. The Kingsmen sing, Molly Put the Kettle On. <br> as Gildersleeve returns to help- load the truck. The Old Timer visits. The new round of insults leads to the old guy telling it the way he hear’d it. At the army camp, Gale Gordon is the officer who accepts the entertainment goods. Just where did Fibber and Gildersleeve disappear to? <br>