2.1 | Etc. (August)

All of the Above show

Summary: <p>According to wikipedia, "et cetera" is a Latin expression used to mean "and other similar things."  Translated literally from Latin, it means "and the rest." At the beginning of each August, our church looks to begin a new ministry year.  With that comes lots of events, new initiatives, need-to-know's, and well... etc. </p> <p><br></p> <p>So what all do we have coming down the pike over the course of the next few weeks?  Why are we doing these things?  Why are these important?  How do they fit into our overall vision as a church? Trevor Hoffman, our teaching pastor, sits down with Hannah Koschel, our ministry admin and kids ministry director, to discuss such things in the launch of The Weekly's SECOND YEAR!</p> <p><br></p> <p>For more info on all the things discussed today, visit: tcgreerstation.com</p>