Betrayal Trauma - the Impact of Sex & Porn Addiction Interview w Therapist Sandy Joy

Sex Afflictions & Porn Addictions with Craig Perra (sex addiction, porn addiction, sexual health) show

Summary: Partners of Sex Addicts and Porn Addicts often suffer from Betrayal Trauma. For Partners of Sex Addicts and Porn Addicts, it's critical to understand the impact of their partner's addiction. Craig interviews Licensed Therapist and Ex-Partner of a sex and porn addict Sandy Joy in this powerful podcast that brought Craig to tears. Learning is critical if a partner of a sex addict wants to heal from Betrayal Trauma and move forward - with or without their partner. <br><br>Understanding Betrayal Trauma Triggers and Betrayal Trauma Symptoms will empower partners to heal and grow. <br><br>Betrayal Trauma is very similar yet vastly different to the fear-based trauma that we are more familiar with. Betrayal trauma is a Type I trauma which is an unexpected and discreet experience that overwhelms the individual’s ability to cope with stress, fear, threat, and/or horror of the event and ensues when a person we rely upon for our existence and/or are substantially committed to, violates our trust in a serious manner and in several ways. There are two vital differences between fear-based trauma and betrayal trauma: The perpetrator is in a close bond with the victim and recidivism (of trauma) risk is high (not necessarily acting out). There are many symptoms of betrayal trauma that are normal for people to experience. Healing from betrayal trauma takes commitment to self, self-care, and the desires to grow through the trauma. And for most people, expert help.