Apply Belief, Confidence & Focus for Even Greater Success

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: I believe there are 3 important areas that will help support you in growing your business and achieving your next level of success. Belief, Confidence, Focus Changing your circumstances and creating the life you really want starts with creating a high level of belief that allows you to feel that you can achieve anything you set your mind upon. With conviction and desire, you will be unstoppable because you will believe that anything is possible. As a result, you will create the life you have always dreamed about having. The reality is this, whatever you believe is what you have created and will create in your life. A healthy belief system gives you the confidence to achieve any goal you set for yourself, while a weak belief system creates habits that sabotage your ability to achieve your goals. The other area that will help support you in being successful is Confidence – I believe we all need to wake up every day with extra confidence to give away to those who need some confidence because they don’t have any or don’t have much to get them though the day. What do you have to do to make sure you wake up every day with extra confidence and still have some left over for you by the end of the day? The ability to really Focus on what you can control and do those things that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your goals for the reasons that are important to you is another key area in being successful. Stop letting things outside of your control negatively affect you. What can you control? Your activities and your emotions. We just talked about 2 emotions you can control – your BELIEF and your CONFIDENCE. Work on increasing your focus on your Highest Payoff Activities will put you in the highest probability position to achieve your goals. Stop complaining or blaming others for things that you can’t control anyway. Focus on you and what you can control and you will be even more successful and much happier. Learn the Keys to Working Less, Making More Money, and Having a More Balanced Life with the 30-day Goal Achievement Self-study Course. Besides all the learning tools to help keep you focused on the ‘right’ activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your goals, it includes 4 audios to help you create even greater success this year and next year. Go to to view all the tools and resources included in the 30-day Goal Achievement course that is only $97 US. Aim for what you want each and every day! Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day. Thanks for listening.