5 Benefits for Taking Action to Increase Success

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about 5 Benefits for Taking Action to Increase Success. New business owners are especially prone to delay taking action in their business, because the unknown outcome can be pretty intimidating. However, even seasoned entrepreneurs will put off taking action, simply due to the fact they lack the free time to juggle another endeavor. So what to do when you know that taking action would benefit your business, but you can’t seem to implement much needed change? Ask yourself these questions: 1. Do I want to increase my income (grow my business)? 2. Do I want to grow my client base? 3. Do I want to create more free time? If you answered yes to at least one of those questions, then taking action now is the best thing you can do for you – and your business. Just for a moment, let’s go back to the reason(s) you became an entrepreneur? Although there may be many reasons, they are all probably related to the following benefits: • More free time • Work from home • The freedom to make money doing what you enjoy • Independence, flexibility, and freedom with schedule • Unlimited earning potential • Didn’t want to work for anyone Sound familiar? “If comfort is your goal, success in NOT in your future.” – Bill Bachrach, CSP, CPAE “If you are bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don’t have enough goals.” – Lou Holtz Whether you are new to the entrepreneur arena or a seasoned business owner, it’s important to think creatively. Taking action from a fresh perspective not only encourages your success, but the success of your business as well. Go to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/landing/ and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/inner-circle-store/ and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day! Anne Bachrach The Accountability Coach™ Author of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today.