3 Tips for Building a Team that Builds Success

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about 3 Tips for Building a Team that Builds Success. If you want to learn how to build a team that builds success, you will want to take a look at the big picture. Take any successful entrepreneur, and behind him or her, you will find a well-suited team of supportive, knowledgeable, and energetic members all dedicated to increasing the success of the business. Tip #1 for building a team that builds success. If you2019re trying to understand how to build a team that builds success, you should first pinpoint the mission of the business. Only when you have a clear understanding, as a leader, of the mission of the business, can you build the right team. When you can clearly identify and emotionally connect with the mission, you are able to identify the right people who are best-suited to support the success of the business. Depending on the mission statement of the business, you may need to focus on building a team of creatives, analytics, intellectuals, or spiritualists. For example, a PR (public relations) firm wouldn2019t necessarily build a team of spiritualists; that personality would be better suited for a business that is motivational or inspirationally based. A PR firm would more likely hire creatives and intellectuals. Another example of personality matching would be an accounting firm; they would look to building a team of analytical members, not necessarily creatives or spirituals. Always start with the mission of the business, and then build your team. Let2019s say you need an assistant to travel with you to help you with live events such as seminars and guest appearances. An important personality factor would be to ensure the team member has the following qualities: 2022 reliable and punctual 2022 great organizer 2022 keeps you calm under times of stress 2022 takes care of the small details so you don2019t have to 2022 loves traveling 2022 love meeting new people 2022 has a personable, magnetic personality Tip #2 for building a team that builds success. Think about the areas of your business where you struggle and could obviously use the help. Make a list of those tasks you would like or need help with and then look for those strengths in potential candidates. Additionally, take into consideration the kind of personality you tend to gravitate towards. Do you enjoy being with people who are: Funny? Serious? Energetic? Go-Getter? Talker or silent-type? Make a list of the kind of personality you tend to enjoy the most and then look for those additional traits in candidates. Unfortunately, interviews are not the ideal situations to explore personality traits, since potential candidate are generally nervous, but you could ask them to complete a personality profile as part of the application process. There are several sources for free or low-cost personality screens, but the Myers-Briggs Personality (MBP) Test is best suited for career related insight. Are you worried about how a potential candidate will fit in with an existing team? While this is a viable consideration, it should not make or break your decision. You, better than anyone, knows what your business needs to succeed. The bottom line is that your team needs to learn how to work as team - and you should support them in achieving that goal. If by chance you have a team with conflict, do not let it go unnoticed. Address it immediately by listening to the concerns of the team and then offering constructive solutions. Tip #3 for building a team that builds success. When building a team that builds success, you should have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each individual member - including your own! You may have to do some experimenting to find the right match, but if you pay attention, you will build a team that supports you - and each other. For example, say a team member is great behind the scenes, but chokes in public settings. They may be better suited in the office, r