Father Knows Best – Watching The Dog. ep132, 520911

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio skips a tiny bit. <br> A toy French poodle enters the lives of the Anderson family. Kathy has brought it home and along with big sister, Betty, they’re very thrilled. Mother, on the other hand nose who will be taking care of the pet. Bud’s idea of a manly pet is a carrier pigeon. Will Kathy get to handle them? What will father think about the pet shop in his house?<br> Pierre the pet poodle gets plenty of pampering from Betty. Meanwhile, how is Bud’s pigeon? Betty thinks that if she mishandled Pierre, her College career could be on the line. Jim Anderson is fed up, and almost wishes something would happen to the poodle. Nothing serious, harmful, or permanent, just something to rock Betty’s boat.<br> When Pierre comes up missing, Jim could have some explaining to do with Betty. Can Margaret and Jim keep Betty pacified as they frantically look for the missing dog? Although Betty seems trusting of her worried parents, Bud reveals a secret. Now it’s Betty’s turn to teach her parents a lesson, until the dog is missing from her hiding place. <br> But wait, the lessons aren’t over, and neither are the hiding places. Don’t worry, Pierre turns up safe and sound. <br>