Google On IE8 Drops SSL and Passes Full Referrer; Matt Cutts: Almost All Penalties Are For Quality Violations

SEO 101 on show

Summary: Google On IE8 Drops SSL and Passes Full Referrer; Matt Cutts: Almost All Penalties Are For Quality Violationswhen askedwhat percentage of penalties/filters are based on violations of Googles Quality Guidelines versus technology issues or bugs on the webmaster side? Related articles across the web Anglo Rank: Another Private Link Network Foiled By The Cutts; Duplicate Meta Descriptions How to Setup Google Authorship; Manual Action Detail in Google Webmaster Tools Matt Cutts On What SEOs Can Expect From Google Coming Up April 2014 Google Webmaster Report Google's Matt Cutts: Almost All Penalties Are For Quality Violations Google Algorithm Change History | SEOmoz MyBlogGuest Penalized; How Google Looks Without Backlinks as a Ranking Factor Disavowed: Secrets of Google's Most Mysterious Tool Matt Cutts Does His Best HAL 9000