Matt Cutts Lobbying To Reward Secure Sites With Better Rankings; Google Secures Keyword Referral data for PPC Outside of AdWords

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Summary: Matt Cutts Lobbying To Reward Secure Sites With Better Rankings;Google: 410s Are Immediate and 404s Are Delayed For 24 Hours;Google secures keyword referral data for PPC outside of AdWords;Paid Platforms will still work;Google Glass is now Kosher for Passover     Related articles across the web Google Glass Now Kosher For Passover Matt Cutts Goes to Washington Anglo Rank: Another Private Link Network Foiled By The Cutts; Duplicate Meta Descriptions MyBlogGuest Penalized; How Google Looks Without Backlinks as a Ranking Factor Former Google Search Quality Member Speaks Out Google Considers Making SSL A Ranking Signal Google's Matt Cutts: I Don't Know 10% Of Your SEO Questions Matt Cutts On What SEOs Can Expect From Google Coming Up