B7D Session 6 - Days 6-7: Rule of the Antichrist, Day of the Lord & Millennium

Issachar B7D Fellowship show

Summary: God has an urgent word for His people today so that, like the men of Issachar, we understand the times and know what we should do. What He wants to speak to us is apparent in the Bible when we consider it through the perspective of the 7 Days of Creation (B7D). In this session, we discover how Man, who was created on the Sixth Day to rule over all Creation, foreshadowed the soon-to-come rule of the Antichrist, whose spirit is already at work in our midst. As we would have seen through the previous sessions, we are likely the final generation on this sixth millennium of world history. Are we prepared for Jesus' imminent return on the Day of the Lord? Will we take part in His Millennial Rule? Please visit our website to find out more - www.issacharb7d.com