069: Taylor Johnson on Esports: Innovative Technology for Optimizing Performance, in Gaming and in Life.

Straight-Up Wellness show

Summary: In this episode, Taylor Johnson talks about promoting health and wellness to millions of people worldwide through esports:<br> <br> * What are eSports<br> * Evolution of eSports<br> * How do eSports help promote health and wellness among children<br> * Encouraging gamers to move and eat healthy<br> * 3 things holding gamers back from healthy movement<br> * Shaping the training environment<br> * Family involvement<br> * Studies on cognitive development<br> * Overuse injuries and prevention<br> * eSports scholarship opportunities<br> * Demographics<br> * Burnout<br> * Toxic Environments<br> * Improving communication<br> * Getting started - best games<br> * eSports communities<br> * Most important tips for parents<br> * Where our listeners can find and follow