393 Bad … Real Bad

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Do you remember when this month of life all began? It was a fresh clean slate and you dared to believe this month could be different. This month could be BIG. This month you could change.<br> And you were right. This month had all the potential to be BIG. You could change … but did you? Did you show up and do what you said you would do in July? Did you give your best effort? Are you proud of the life you lived? Here in BIG Life we say, prove yourself worthy of the life you were created for. Did you live up to that potential over the past 31 days?<br> Here’s what I’ve found … we are each tested by two things. Of course there is the test of overwhelm. Everything’s happening at once. You’re busy, you’re scattered, you don’t know what to do first so you’re overwhelmed. That’s a test.<br> And then there’s the opposite, but an equal test. Underwhelm. The overwhelm is easy to spot, and almost a badge of honor we wear, as if being busy is some kind of prestigious award signifying your value and importance. But the underwhelm goes unidentified, eating at us from the inside. We’re simply not impressed by life. No longer excited to wake up to a new day. Not expecting anything great and not bringing anything great. It’s all become unimpressive. We’re bored out of our minds by the monotony of the routine. And it’s a test.<br> Today you are being tested.<br> Some of us are better tested by overwhelm. Will you give in and will you give up when the going gets tough? While others are better tested by underwhelm. Will you settle into what is easy and never push to get more? Where are you being tested today? Recognize each test asks a question and the question is “how bad do you want it?”<br> Through today’s challenge is the way to the next level. You want to graduate to the next level of living? You want to move on up in life? Pass this test. Prove you’re not giving up. Prove you’re not settling. Prove you’re no longer seeking easy. Prove YOU WANT IT BAD.<br> What is it you want? You want the very life you were created for? You want to live up to the potential God has placed within you? You want to enjoy life to the fullest? You want to experience more and be more?<br> You want it? Ahhhhh, how bad sister, how bad?<br> It’s pretty darn easy to trust God when everything is going your way, but it’s tough to trust him when a job is lost. It’s tough to trust him when you don’t know where you’re going to get the money to make ends meet this month. It’s tough to trust God when someone you love walks out of your life. But these are tests. Will you endure? Will you be disciplined? Will you stay in the game? Will you refuse to grow bitter? Will you be faithful? Will you finish what you started?<br> Or the flip side of the coin. While it’s easy to trust God when everything is going your way, it’s real easy to forget you need him. Will you trust God even when you don’t have to? When life is void of crisis, will you still seek him? When today is remarkably like yesterday so you already know the routine, will you stay in the game? When you could sit on the sidelines and no one would really miss you, will you still show up? Will God still see you giving your best when your best isn’t even being put to the test?<br> What are you being tested in right now? Are you overwhelmed – or are you really just underwhelmed? What have you started that you need to finish this month? Yes, here we are the final day of July 2019, did you do what you said you would do? What could you do to finish well? In scripture the Corinthians had made a commitment and Paul wrote to them and reminded them of that commitment. 2 Corinthians 8:11 says, “Finish what you started, carry this project through to completion just as enthusiastically as you began it.”<br>