Irish Proverbs to Live By (MLP035)

Mitchell Levy Presents AHA Moments show

Summary: We see all sorts of businesses come and go. We witness all types of friendship and family relationships break and mend. We watch all kinds of personal issues arise and resolve. When you feel a little lost on life's path, be it a personal or business matter, fear not, my friend! Heed advice from famous classical Irish Proverbs. These brief and simple proverbial sayings express nothing but the truth in accordance to practical experience and common sense. This AHAbook holds 140 nuggets of wisdom that you can use in your daily battles in terms of making choices, creating individual perceptions, generating beliefs and principles, and dealing with other people. Draw some inspiration and let yourself be guided by these insightful words. Spread them to others too, so those who have read and heard them may be steered toward the realistic view of life instead of delving on the impractical one. Share the URL,, and individual proverbs from this book on social. Mitchell Levy is the Global Credibility Expert at AHAthat, the first APA leadership (Thought Leadership) platform on the market for thought leaders, experts and companies to unleash their genius to the world. His passion is helping entrepreneurs, business owners and C-Suite Executives get known as thought leaders & become best-selling authors with the AHA platform. He is an accomplished entrepreneur who has created 20 businesses in Silicon Valley including four publishing companies that have published over 800 books. Mitchell is an international best selling author with 60 business books, has provided strategic consulting to over 100 companies, has advised over 500 CEOs on critical business issues, and has been chairman of the board of a NASDAQ-listed company. where you can also find a link to book a strategy call. Visit for an archive of all the podcast episodes. Connect to Mitchell Levy on: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Pinterest: Instagram: AHAthat: Speaking site: Consulting Site: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit