Leadership - It's not you, it's your thinking

Growing Big People with PS. show

Summary: <p>You and your thinking are not the same thing. You are not a hostage to your own trains of thought.</p> <p>You don’t need to board that train anymore because you don’t live or have any business where that trains going. </p> <p>You can change trains, tracks and schedules and you can even control who your fellow travellers are. </p> <p>Thank you for listening to the Growing Big People with Paul Scanlon podcast, we want to hear from you so please keep in touch with us and share your thoughts on this episode with Paul on his social media - @PaulScanlonuk</p> <p><em><strong>Don't forget to subscribe, and leave us your review.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>For more information about Paul Scanlon on events and resources visit</strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/new/www.paulscanlon.com"> </a><a href="www.paulscanlon.com"><u><strong>paulscanlon.com</strong></u></a></p> <p><strong>Or email pa@paulscanlon.com</strong></p>