Windows Weekly 631: The AI Kerfuffle

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Summary: <p>Microsoft earnings</p><ul> <li>Microsoft delivered another blockbuster FY and FYQ4.</li> <li>Analysis: FY19 - Xbox (bad), Surface (not the highlight people think), Windows (good, with businesses only), Office 365 (great) and Azure is ... slowing?. The big news: More Personal Computing is not Microsoft's biggest BU for the first time. Entire business in balance for now.</li> </ul><p>Antitrust</p><ul> <li> Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google come under DOJ scrutiny</li> <li> Qualcomm is fined by the EU</li> <li> Will Microsoft continue to avoid the steely gaze of regulators?</li> </ul><p>The weirdness that is Windows 10 20H1</p><ul> <li> Remember when Microsoft released a 19H2 build with unavailable new features last week? Yeah, some of them are available now. In a new build for some reason.</li> <li> And then they released another build, this time with one new feature</li> <li> Also, Windows Defender will become Microsoft Defender in 20H1</li> </ul><p>Plus...</p><ul> <li>Microsoft accidentally deployed a Canary (?) build of Windows 10 to all Insiders and it shows the Lite OS Start menu with no live tiles</li> <li>Microsoft invests $1 billion in AI! OK, just kidding.</li> <li>LinkedIn to finally start using Microsoft technology. It's the least they can do, literally.</li> <li>Microsoft makes changes, again, to how it licenses Dynamics 365</li> </ul><p>Xbox</p><ul> <li>Gears 5 multiplayer beta hits again this weekend</li> <li>Mixer commits to civility</li> <li>Fortnite controller (not) arriving just in time for Fortnite World Cup</li> </ul><p>Tips and Picks</p><ul> <li>Tip of the week: Eloquent JavaScript</li> <li>App pick of the week: VirtualBox</li> <li>Enterprise pick of the week: Data-sharing agreements/licenses</li> <li>Naming pick of the week: Office Online is no more</li> <li>Beer pick of the week: Transmitter Hx Raspberry Sour </li> </ul> <p><strong>Hosts:</strong> <a href="">Mary Jo Foley</a>, <a href="">Paul Thurrott</a>, and <a href="">Jason Howell</a></p> <p>Download or subscribe to this show at <a href=""></a></p> <p>Check out Paul's blog at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>Check out Mary Jo's blog at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>The Windows Weekly theme music is courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank">Carl Franklin</a>.</p> <p><strong>Sponsor:</strong></p><ul> <li><a href=""></a></li> </ul>