Testing Solidness #425

Sexy Marriage Radio show

Summary: <br> On today’s regular version of the show …<br> How well do you do at showing the people that matter in your life that they matter?<br> I’m joined by Dr. Robert Glover again as we discuss tests that happen in marriage between men and women. <a href="https://www.drglover.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Learn more about Dr Glover here.</a> <br> On the Xtended version …<br> An extended conversation with Dr Glover about the importance of showing up in your relationships, and setting a good tone. <br> Enjoy the show!<br> __________<br> Got a question?<br> CALL US 214-702-9565<br> Or Email Us at feedback@sexymarriageradio.com.<br> __________<br> SPONSOR:<br> SMR Academy: Go to <a target="_blank" href="http://smrnation.com/smracademy/" rel="noopener noreferrer">http://smrnation.com/smracademy</a> to sign up and join today.<br> __________<br> Listen to <a href="http://smrnation.com/series/sexymarriageradio/">Sexy Marriage Radio</a> below …<br> <br> <br> MORE ACCESS<br> Xtended Version<br> <br> Get Xtended episodes in the Academy<br> Get help for your relationship and sex life from the comfort of your own home.<br> This is an opportunity for YOU to fully experience the fact that “The BEST SEX can happen IN the Marriage Bed!” …<br> <a class="button-purple" href="http://smrnation.com/smracademy/">Join today</a><br> <br>