GTWM Podcast S06E41

Good Times with Mo: The Podcast Season 7 show

Summary: <p>Mo and Chopper are back for another episode, they were actually in the middle of a 7.1 earthquake when they recorded this so expect some shaky bedroom talk! It's a strong lineup of calls so let's get to the episode!</p> <p><br></p> <p>Caller #1 Phoebe, 26yrs old from Pampanga.  Phoebe met a guy on Bumble a year ago and she consistently messaged him but never got together to meet face to face.  They lost contact because of that but last week, he messaged her out of the blue and was direct about what he wants: he wants sex and he promised her that it would be amazing.  The promise is what got her to say yes...and he kept his word!  She loved it but the problem is he immediately blocked her and she wants more of the dick. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Caller #2 is Don who is 26yrs old from Tacloban.  Don is currently tempted to cheat on his boyfriend.  His BF is a much older man and the guy that he wants to cheat on with is his BF's friend!  Should he do it? </p> <p><br></p> <p>Caller #3 is Smith from Vienna, Austria.  Smith is 27yrs old and living a very successful life in Europe.  He's doing so well with his career that he has opportunities to move to other cities and thrive.  He wants Mo and Chopper's take about the quality of life he is experiencing now. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Caller #4 is John who is 40yrs old from QC.  John needs advice about something Mo has brought up in the past.  It is not uncommon to see people cheat in the beginning of a new relationship.  John's GF did just that and he wants to know if he should forgive her for it. </p> <p><br></p> <p>GTWM The Podcast Season 6 is brought to you by the great people at Sharp Philippines! Get yourself an Ultra-High Definition TV from Sharp, you certainly deserve it! From the Kumu Podcast Studio, we will see you on another episode of GTWM tomorrow. Thanks for the download and please support the podcast by donating as little as $0.99 cents via Anchor at:</p> <p><br></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>