A walk with Amy Cosentino

Thoughts on a Walk by 3Milemom show

Summary: I feel like Amy and I could have talked for hours. And actually even after I ended the podcast recording, we stayed and talked for probably another 30 minutes or so. She’s a brand new momma and wife and works as a financial analyst. I thoroughly enjoyed her passion of her faith and honesty of her season. I am encouraged by her commitment to herself and to her family. In the episode, she talks about how God knows what she needs to be the best mom in this season, even if it might not match her expectations. Amy also talks about how her gifting may look different than other moms she sees, but she knows that they do benefit her family. Amy also shares about comparison and gratitude – one used to combat the other. She encourages us to not look right or left of our own season. She also speaks about how sometimes she’s not ok and that’s ok. She talks about how she can still love everything about the moment, yet not be ok. Amy shares about how she considers herself an oversharer, yet she feels tension about pulling back on social media, especially when you are going through something. She talks about a specific and recent experience with her husband and how that unfolds. Amy shares about the anxiety in the midst of the everyday grind of that experience, yet she can look back and see the gifts and how faithful God was. Recently she started blogging again (read more from her at https://www.cosentinoliving.com/blog ) , as a form of rest. Amy shares about her blogging journey and how it’s been helpful for her to have something of her own, and her own space in the internet. She shares 2 mom hacks and if you are mom in need of snack ideas, you’ll love her second mom hack. It’s simple and healthy and great for one handed snacks for those nursing mommas. Follow Amy on Instagram; Read more on Amy’s Blog