A walk with Hannah Nitz

Thoughts on a Walk by 3Milemom show

Summary: “Everyday, ordinary motherhood” was a theme of my conversation with Hannah Nitz. Hannah is a wife and mom of Harvey, who recently turned one. This past spring I saw Hannah on a Panel called “Not my Plan” (she starts at minute 5:30) at Akron Women on Purpose. After I heard what she shared about everyday ordinary motherhood, I knew I wanted to bring her on the podcast. Hannah dives deep into the specific call of God on her life and how it looks different for every individual and how it looks different than she expected. She and I talk about the repetition of motherhood, yet the layers of God. We are grateful for the depth that God brings to His word, regardless of how many times you’ve read the same verse, chapter, book. She talks about how 2018 compared to 2019 has been so freeing and she talks about how she barely recognizes herself. Hannah shares about freedom, and what it means for her life and her purpose and motherhood. We also talk about how God is often asking us to do small acts of obedience, between us and God, even when it doesn’t have a HUGE impact or it doesn’t sense. She dives into faith working through love, and faith through works, and what it means for us as moms. She also talks about reading the bible for herself. She shares about what she learned over these past few months and more specifically during Lent. She talks about this book “A Call to Die: A 40 Day Journey from the World & Feasting on God.” She challenged herself to 40 days of being intentional for 30 minutes a day, and it hasn’t stopped since. We talk about doing, resting, and playing with our kiddos. A few weeks ago she went to her husband about her not feeling like she was doing enough, and his response is so good and she wishes she would have asked earlier. Hannah shares her heart on the panel and dives into it during our conversation. Another book she recommends is, A Theology of the Ordinary. And one of the verses that she shared on the panel and during the episode that has a made an impact in her season. I loved this translation of this verse. Romans 12 1 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Romans 12:1 The Message (MSG) Check out Akron Women on Purpose and watch the videos from previous years to be encouraged from ordinary women living in faith. The entire conference challenges the women to say yes to whatever God is asking them to do, how would our city and lives be different. I love what they are doing and can’t wait to attend next year. Finally, her mom hack revolve around photos and doing something with all the million pictures on our phones! She gives us 4 practical tips for photos and I have already done a few since we’ve talked! Connect with Hannah on Instagram