E38 What's Your ~accurate~ Body Count?

Schnitt Talk show

Summary: <p>This episode we're diving into the long standing debate about "body counts". Does it really matter (for both girls and guys)? Why do we put so much emphasis on it? And a fool proof equation on figuring out your ACTUAL body count (00:08:06). After many of you sending this question for quite some time now, FTB this week is about what to do if you're a guy with little sexual experience. How to get over the insecurity, and fake it till you make it so she'll never even know (00:22:36)! This week's Hinge segment is about "Personality Catfishing" because you're wasting your time acting one way over the internet, and another in person (00:34:00). Tune into the end of the episode to hear Ellie rant about shaving and who even knows what else.</p>