The Aftermath | TUPDebates 001 | Ft Johnny Sykes

Totally Unprepared Politics show

Summary: After the main event we cught up with Johnny one of the contestants and grilled him on how the debate went, the argumnts of both sides, and on the topics at hand.... Nuclear disarmament Prisoners getting the vote Nationalisation of the banks Catch the main Debate over on Youtube via: This is the first is our brand new series of debates, we put a hell of a lot of effort and energy into creating this and we have massive plans for where we want to take it in the future so any and all feedback is welcome! We hope to be bringing you Debate 2.0 very soon! ================================================== Support TUP and gain some cool benefits in the process: Join in the community over on our Facebook group for more discussion: Check out our interviews and video content over on YouTube: And you can also troll us on twitter @TheTUPShow