377 The Growth Gap

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> The gap: Who you were – Who you could be<br> Behind you is gratitude – Before you is growth<br> God steps when you step, revealing more and more to you. Strengthening you for more, preparing you for more, but you don’t see it until you step.<br> “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.<br> Psalm 139:<br> O Lord, you have examined my heart<br> and know everything about me.<br> You know when I sit down or stand up.<br> You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.<br> You see me when I travel<br> and when I rest at home.<br> You know everything I do.<br> You know what I am going to say<br> even before I say it, Lord.<br> You go before me and follow me.<br> You place your hand of blessing on my head.<br> I can never escape from your Spirit!<br> I can never get away from your presence!<br> Your hand will guide me,<br> and your strength will support me.<br> God created you, equipped you, and then filled you with His Holy Spirit, to face situations. The very situations you’re in the middle of right now. You can do this – you are good enough – you have exactly what it takes because God is within you and he is for you.<br> “What did you have in mind when you created me?”<br> “What do you still desire for me to experience?”<br> “What untapped potential have you placed within me?”<br> “Who could I become?”<br>