382 Ticket to Life

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> 2 Peter 1: 3-4 “Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God …” MSG<br> You have been invited to live a life only God could create. The one who created the majestic mountains, the mysterious jellyfish, the rainforest, the firefly, the bald eagle, waterfalls and the perfectly painted sunsets also created YOU. He created a life for you that could compare to the beauty of all his creation. Your ticket to living this life and participating in all he has available for you is getting to know His son.<br> That’s it. It really is that simple. Because here’s the thing, the more you know about Jesus, the more it changes you. The more you’re molded into who you were created to be. You don’t have to bend and contort yourself into someone you’re not, you just need to know Jesus and the transformation begins naturally.<br> My favorite example of this comes in the life and writings of Bob Goff. Bob is an attorney in Southern California who rides a skateboard to work and calls the island of Tom Sawyer at Disney Land his office. He does wild and crazy things that leave people in shock and awe, and inspires his readers to be ridiculously over the top with our love. His book “Love Does” was a game changer for me. His way of living is an open book to letting the love of God flow through you in every single thing you do. He’s quirky and eclectic … he’s spontaneous and energetic … his default is a yes.<br> Jesus shows us how to set our default to yes. Jesus went to the wedding, he showed up at stranger’s homes for dinner, he went, he did, he saw, he was there. He said yes. Yes I’ll go. Yes I’ll help. Yes I’ll be there. Yes I’ll give. Yes I’ll love. And the more we get to know Jesus, the more we’re called into a life of doing the same. Yes.<br> My answer is yes. I’ll take the chance. I’ll show up for the opportunity. I’ll go and be the one. I will participate in the life God has created me for.<br> Why would you ever sit this out? Why would you willingly miss one thing your creator intended for you? You can trust his plan. You can trust that everything required to live a ridiculously good life has already been given to you. The secret is unleashing what’s already inside of you … the only way you do that is getting to know the One who has invited you to God, that is Jesus.<br> How do you get to know Jesus? I mean I’ve never once seen him. I’ve never heard his voice. I see a bearded robed man wearing sandals in the movies, but is that my Jesus? There’s only one way to get to know Jesus, seek him. Look for him. Look for him in your every day life. See evidence of his love for you. Watch for proof of his provision and protection over you. It’s all around you today. Scripture says seek and ye shall find. If you’re looking for Jesus, you will find him. Evidence of his works and power has surrounded you.<br> It all begins with a decision to seek him. Life is busy and loud and often times we’re seeking all the wrong things and we miss what’s most important. It’s a work of the enemy to keep you distracted and scattered, overwhelmed and worried. Has he been successful in your life? Are you missing the point? There’s one true game changer here, don’t miss it … Jesus wants to help you with everything, always. There’s not a single thing in your life he doesn’t want to help you with, nor is there a single thing in your life he can’t help you with. His power extends over every detail. His reach covers you entirely.