#271: The Truth (and Lies) About Infertility

Java with Juli show

Summary: <p>One in seven couples struggles with infertility --and it's easy to make some pretty hurtful assumptions about them if they're not public about it. In this episode Juli sits down with her life-long friend Taylor Scott (of The Kevin &amp; Taylor Show!) to talk about the sorrow, the truth, and the things to say and <em>not </em>say along the journey of infertility. (And you'll get to hear stories about Juli too!)</p> <p>Guest: <a href="https://kevinandtaylor.com/content/meet-the-show/taylor">Taylor Scott</a></p> <p>Mentioned:</p> <ul> <li>Do you listen to Taylor on The Fish? Give her a shout out <a href="https://www.facebook.com/kevinandtaylorshow/">here</a>!</li> <li>Juli's book, <a href="https://shop.authenticintimacy.com/collections/books/products/finding-the-hero-in-your-husband">Finding the Hero in Your Husband</a> </li> </ul>