TWC9: VS Code Updates, Nuxt, Windows 1.0 and more | This Week On Channel 9

Channel 9 show

Summary: This Week on Channel 9, Christina is back from the happiest place on Earth (complete with Rose Gold ears) and ready to dive into the latest developer news, including: [00:43] Visual Studio Code June 2019 Update [01:48] Experiment with New Languages with VS Code Remote Development Containers [02:13] Use VS Code Remote and WSL to Do Linux Development on Windows [02:36] Moving Old Sites from Bare Metal to the Azure [02:58] Thank U, Nuxt [03:17] GitHub Dependency Graph Supports Yarn.Lock [03:50] Five Things: 5 Things Developers Can Use to Go On Call [04:03] The IoT Show: Advanced Operational Analytics with Azure Time Series Insights [04:13] The DevOps Lab: Deploying to Azure Using Terraform [04:23] Christina's Pick of the Week: Windows 1.11 App in the Microsoft Store and other ways to get Windows 1.0 Please leave a comment or email us at Follow @CH9 Follow @CH9 Create a Free Account (Azure)