MHT04 - Mystery History Theater; The Hit on Abe series

mediamode presents show

Summary: This episode was originally posted by Vyzygoth on his Alembic Files site in January 2015. What’s being scrutinized in this audio is an article--"Did Stanton Plan Lincoln's Murder?"--that appeared in Civil War Times, the August 1961 issue, Vol. 3 No. 5, in which then-editor Robert H. Fowler relates the findings of Ray Neff, one of the co-authors of “Dark Union,” with regard to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton’s possible involvement in the murder of Abraham Lincoln. Neff relies heavily on National Detective Police head Lafayette C. Baker’s revelations written in cipher as to the personages behind the assassination. Baker thought himself a target of the henchmen (the clean-up crew) most likely serving at the behest of high-placed Northern power brokers. Unfortunately, Baker was correct, as his demise added to the curious body count of those with inside knowledge of the circumstances and principals in and around the killing of the President. Sound familiar? Find other Rejected Knowledge series and other complete series under the Pages section to the right. Listen below or download it here.