Go Ask Your Father for February 4, 2019

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Msgr. Swetland talks about the morality of faking sick and calling in sick to work.<br> Email Comment- I think you should tell homosexual people that their relations are an abominations!<br> Email Question- What is the Church’s teaching on if we will have memories of our lives here on earth when we are in Heaven?<br> Caller Comment- I think we should air on the side of being more upfront with people who we love who are living in sin or actively sinning.<br> Caller Comment- My sister does a great job at dialoguing with her children about the need to avoid sin.<br> Caller Question- How should I reconcile with my daughter who is same-sex attracted and with my family who has embraced her behind my back?<br> Caller Question- What should I do to encouraging my family member who is same-sex attracted to go to back to church if his local pastor is going to encourage him to be in same-sex relationships?<br> Caller Question- What is the difference between relativism and the Church’s teaching on culpability for sin?<br>