The Angry Insignificant Man - Interview with Dr. John

Sex Afflictions & Porn Addictions with Craig Perra (sex addiction, porn addiction, sexual health) show

Summary: Anger, the mask of the insignificant sex addict and porn addict! Learn what your anger means and how to control it as a man in Coach Craig's Powerful Interview with Internally Recognized Anger, Men's Mental Health Expert and Coach Dr. John Schinnerer. He's also the host of The Evolved Caveman Podcast - <a href="" rel="noopener"></a> Dr. John discusses the role anger plays in how some men express themselves sexually and how this inauthentic expression negatively impacts men's lives. Learn how to channel and direct the deep, powerful emotion of anger to use it as fuel to drive a purpose driven life. Here are some quotes from the podcast:<br><br>It’s not about eliminating anger. It’s about learning how to get your anger to work for you.<br><br>Stop being your anger’s bitch. Men need to learn to get ahead of the anger cycle. <br><br>You have 1/3rd of a second between trigger and anger. <br><br>There is a difference between the anger - the emotion and anger- the behavior. Feeling angry is fine. How you behave when angry varies widely.