Great Gildersleeve – Bank Robber Loose. ep206, 460414

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Reading the evening paper, Leroy spots some big news. He reads the account to Birdie and Marjorie about a bank robber who had been reported fleeing Chicago, and headed toward Summerfield. How will Gildersleeve react to the news? Though he tries to keep- matters calm, its clear that nerves are jumpy. When the sirens at the jailhouse sound, everybody springs into self defense mode. <br> A worried Leila Ransom phones, and the great man dons his air raid warden gear to come to her rescue. A quick call to the cops explains the harmless nature behind the siren, and Gildy is all the more brave when he goes to become Leila’s hero. <br> Finding time to hang out with the Jolly Boys, Gildy learns there isn’t anything to worry about in town, other than the town drunk is on the loose. He is joined by Floyd the barber, and chief Gates. After Peavy shows up, Sam the drunk turns himself into the chief. But what will this mean for the worried womenfolk, as the guys sit around playing cards? To help out their pal, the Jolly Boys agree to build Guildy up for his girlfriend. Chief Gates cuffs Sam, and they all play it off that Gildy was instrumental in capturing the big, bass criminal. <br> What could go wrong? plenty, I’m sure. But with time running short, all we get is a last moment siren to indicate a real emergency in Summerfield. <br>