Stan Freeberg – Musical Sheep. ep1, 570714

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In a weird opening moment designed to showcase the comic range of the star, Stan argues with himself. The show starts with the sketch on musical sheep. Sheep that play music when bonked on the head. <br> The sheep are followed by a drama about life in the future. A tale about a fictional city that is much like Las Vegas. Two competing casino owners try to out perform the other. <br> Other voice talent includes June Foray, and musical accompaniment is from the Billy May Orchestra. <br> PS: Get ready for more of this zany comedian, who was the Summer replacement for Jack Benny in 1957. Too bad his show didn’t catch on,, but his humor was a little too advanced for the times. Stan Freeberg is still around, and has had a long standing career doing voice acting for everything from cartoons to commercials. <br>