Lum and Abner – Cedric Performs In School. 450221

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Note: this is clearly a wrong day for this episode, not sure what year it was aired, but the day is probably correct. Enjoyed a brief interruption to the story about being trapped in the silver mine. <br> In the Jot Em Down store, the gents seem to have made it out of the silver mine. Cedric has entered to show off how different he looks in his new clothes. He is going to a dress rehearsal, but he doesn’t have on the right kind of costume. Does he even know what role he is playing in the play?<br> Cédric claims to be the main character, so would that make him George Washington? Abner tries to help by offering details about George Washington. He seems to be standing up in a boat to cross of Delaware, to get his silver dollar.<br> Using a few odds and ends around the store, Lum and Abner try to fixed up Cedric to look like George Washington. At least well enough to attend his rehearsal. Powdering Cedric’s hair with flower, painting gold buckles on his pants, a few lace doilies, and a pigtail. yeah, that should do the trick. And just what is Cedric’s main role in the play?<br>