Box 13 – Bite or Bitten. 490717.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Dan gets an extra special telegram that arrives in box 13, one that’s sure to mean extra special trouble. <br> A snake expert warns Dan that a dangerous snake is loose somewhere in the hotel. Dan thinks it’s just a joke, but the snake expert is way too nervous for that. Why didn’t he just go to the cops? The hotel doesn’t want the bad press of being evacuated. There’s only one point that Dan thinks is fishy, that the snake accidentally got loose. Who could have done such a thing as setting it free, and why? <br> Dan allows himself an hour to go on a snake hunt, but in the end the cops are called, and Dan returns to his office. He can’t shake the thought that he’s missing something, then the police phone about unusual happenings regarding poison, and a dead man, but it happened blocks away from the hotel. <br> With facts flooding in, suddenly Dan has a pretty good idea what happened, but there are still some dots to connect. <br> As Dan continues to investigate, he gains the trust of those that he can, and springs his own trap to capture the missing King Cobra, and nab the sneaky snake of a killer. Danger and intrigue await those who are brave enough to tune in and listen. See if you can spot the clues that tipped Dan off to solve this mystery. <br>