Dragnet – Big Hands. ep128, 511122

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Homicide Detail. An unidentified woman is found strangled in a hotel room, and its up to Joe Friday to find the killer. <br> A visit to the crime lab presents the clues that are known in the case thus far; The report of a married couple who were attacked at their hotel is given. In voiceover,. Joe Friday tells of other accounts of women being brutally murdered. Ben Romero begins to get disgusted over the lack of progress, when an important clue falls in their laps. But will the cops miss the connection in identifying the woman? Joe’s voiceover continues to describe the investigation of the woman and to marital troubles. <br> Past landlords confirm the description of the abusive husband. Doris Frasier has also had trouble holding jobs, due to her abuse. The investigation continues to paint a consistent picture of a battered woman. But have they turned up enough evidence to hang their case on? Despite indications he may be his wife’s killer, her husband has overwhelming support in his whereabouts the night of the murder. <br> A man known only as George gets the attention of the detectives. The investigation heats up, drugs are involved in George’s past. Time for confrontations. Visiting George on his job helps locate the connections needed,. And lies crumble. <br>