Lone Ranger – Lone Pine. 450718.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The Lone Ranger and Tonto ride up on an injured man. The dyeing man tells about his ambush, and of the letter that he is carrying to Lone Pines that will expose a traitor. Disguised as a Mexican, Tonto infiltrates the settlement of men who have struck out on their own for fame and fortune, only to return broken men. <br> They await help from the Army to support them against the notorious gang leader Tarbuck. Should they give up in failure, and go home to their wives and families? Should they tough it out? <br> The Lone Ranger rides in to diffuse the hot tempers, and expose the spy in their ranks. Letting the men know his identity as the Lone Ranger, he assures the group to hang in there, and he rides off to do what he can to break up the Tarbuck gang. <br> Tonto and Lone Ranger discuss why Tarbuck wants the settlers off the land, and what the gang leaders motivations are. Now it’s time to ride to take the story to the Army post. The Army has to wait for requests to recieve orders from headquarters, and there’s a chance that the Army won’t be interested in the matter. <br> Instead, Lone Ranger forms a plan that is sure to get the Army in motion, and take the bad guys down. <br>