The Whistler – Death Has a Thirst. ep15, 420822

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After dropping off his friend at a sanitarium to recover from alcoholism, Harvey and Victor’s wife, Donna drive through the night. By the time he gets home, the doctor reports Victor has escaped. When he’s found again, the doc warns if Victor doesn’t lay off the booze, his next stop may be an insane asylum. <br> Taken far from any alcohol, Victor finds himself at sea, on Harvey’s yacht, with a small crew, and his wife Donna. Suddenly Victor is paranoid and jealous. Is his wife cheating on him? Is she and Harvey planning to do him in? Now that he’s dried out, the doc claims Victor has all the symptoms of insanity. What does this mean for Victor’s wife? <br> After an outburst on the yacht, our crew find themselves exploring a deserted island for fresh water. After a night of searching, all that’s found is poisonous water, but when dawn breaks, it’s a knife hilt that protrudes from Victor’s chest that did him in. Or does the Whistler have one last twist up his sleeve? <br>