Great Gildersleeve – Petition Against Trolley Car House. ep207, 460421

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Dinner plans are sprung on Gildersleeve when he learns that Ben will be over. How is the job situation of the recently released Navy vet going? Marjorie would prefer he had a job with a briefcase, but Ben is a whiz at mechanics. How are Leroy and Marjorie spending their Spring breaks? When Runsome Bullard pops in, he shares how the problem of a trolly car being put on an empty lot could cause problems. <br> An inspired Gildy makes the rounds with a petition to restrict zoning ordinances. Distractions begin when Leila Ransom thinks the idea of living in a trolly car is romantic. Will it really reduce property values? A visit in Peavy’s drug store adds to the number of folks who may be against the petition. <br> The more he gets around, the more Gildy finds that throwing weight around, or using influence is resisted. He discovers the plight of real people behind the issue of the trolly car, and housing shortage. Should this be more about property value, and money? Or more about helping people? <br>