Dr. Marc Faber, Chris Waltzek Ph.D. & Robert Ian - July 12th, 2019 - Goldseek.com Radio. A Spina-Waltzek Production-©2005-2019 http://radio.goldseek.com/ Royalty free music from Google Play. Disclaimer: this show is presented only as informational c


Summary: July 12th, 2019(S14-E704)Featured GuestsDr. Marc Faber & John ScurciPlease Listen HereInterview RecapFrom his Thailand office, Dr. Marc Faber, a globally renowned economist and editor of the GloomBoomDoom report, returns with his outlook.According to Dr. Faber, the global economy is on the cusp of a recession. Investors are advised to batten down the hatches.A global / domestic economic maelstrom of epic proportions where paper assets denominated in the reserve currency lose up to 80% is possible.Few asset classes will endure the economic storm ahead, however, safe havens include gold, silver, PMs shares and cryptocurrencys.Despite the remarkable increases in modern productivity given quantum leaps in access to technology and information, living standards are sagging.Incomes have not matched increases in the cost of living.The duo concur that the erosion of the standard of living is directly correlated to profligate money expansion, which acts as a reverse "Invisible Hand."Both the guest/host advocate diversification of asset classes, increasing the weighting of safe haven, hard money assets in the coming years to shield wealth from potential economic volatility.John Scurci, founder of Corona Capital Management returns to the show with key insights on the domestic and global economies.Our guest is rebuilding his home on the British Isles in the Caribbean, following Hurricane Irma, the strongest storm ever recorded.Irma topped wind speeds of 220 mph; another friend of the show, Harry S. Dent Jr. battled the same storm from his Puerto Rico office.The integrity of the entire global financial system is at risk, due to hundreds of trillions of toxic debt on balance sheets.By debasing the currency to deal with serious financial challenges in 1971, the decision set in motion a corrosive effect.The risk of negative real interest rates domestically could be viewed as the endgame for the entire system.The duo concurs that the precious metals sector represent the best panacea for financial sur-thrival in an increasingly volatile financial arena.