#1783 Dan Franks Podcast Movement: Grassroots origins to 7 figures

Startup Stories - Mixergy show

Summary: Today’s guest has come full circle from having me on his podcast to now running the annual Podcast Movement conference. Dan Franks is Co-Founder and President of Podcast Movement which is the worlds’ largest and longest running podcast conference. I find out from Dan how the conference’s growth has exploded over the years and what we can expect from this year’s conference. <p><a href="https://mixergy.com/interviews/podcast-movement-with-dan-franks/"><img src="https://mixergy.com/interviews/podcast-movement-with-dan-franks/?get-twitter-card=true&amp;v=14&amp;time=1561395069" alt="" class="alignnone size-full"></a></p><p>Dan Franks is Co-Founder and President of <a href="https://podcastmovement.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Podcast Movement</a> which is the worlds’ largest and longest running  podcast conference.</p> <p> </p> <strong>Sponsored by</strong><br><p><a href="http://www.hostgator.com/promo/mixergy" rel="nofollow">HostGator</a> – Ready to take your website to the next level? Whether you’re a first-time blogger or an experienced web pro, HostGator has all the tools you need to create a great-looking website or online store. A wide range of options includes cloud-based web hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated servers. Founded in 2002, HostGator is the perfect web partner for business owners and individuals seeking hands-on support. Visit www.hostgator.com/mixergy to see what HostGator can do for your website.</p> <hr> <p><a href="https://chooseyourselffinancial.com/" rel="nofollow">The James Altucher Show</a> – James Altucher has started and ran more than 20 companies and is currently an investor in and advisor to over 30, but at one point, James lost everything. In a matter of months, his account drained from $15 million to $143. Depressed and on the floor, James realized the only way to be truly successful and fulfilled is to “choose yourself.” Now, James Altucher is a bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, angel investor, chess master, &amp; host of The James Altucher Show podcast. Text ANDREW to 50445 to receive James Altucher’s free Ultimate Guide to Self-Publishing</p> <p>More interviews -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/moreint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/moreint</a><br> Rate this interview -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/rateint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/rateint</a></p>