Galatians 1 | BEACHES | Pastor Mike Signorelli

V1 Church show

Summary: The Center for Bible Engagement surveyed more than 400,000 people around the world to discover what is the difference between those who own a bible and read it vs those who don’t… Someone who engages the Bible 4 or more times a week is: 228% more likely to share faith with others 407% more likely to memorize scripture 59% less likely to view pornography 30% less likely to struggle with loneliness SO WHAT IS THE BIBLE THEN? The Bible is the account of God’s action in the world, and his purpose with all creation. The writing of the Bible took place over sixteen centuries and is the work of over forty human authors. It is quite an amazing collection of 66 books with very different styles, all containing the message God desires us to have. Yes, various human authors wrote it–but behind them was another Author: the Spirit of God. Even when they weren’t fully aware of it, God was guiding them so that what they wrote wasn’t just their own words, but God’s Word. The apostle Peter wrote, “No prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20-21). God wanted to speak to us in words we can understand–and the Bible contains those words.