How I Lost Over 100lbs - Tracie's True Story

The Jordan Syatt Mini-Podcast show

Summary: <p>Tracie is a mother of two.</p> <p>She works full-time.</p> <p>She had severe and chronic knee pain her doctor told her would never heal.</p> <p>And she was 260lbs.</p> <p>Then - after trying and failing year after year - on January 5th, 2015, Tracie decided it was time to take her health into her own hands once and for all.</p> <p>And that's exactly what she did.</p> <p>Yes, she lost 100lbs.</p> <p>But she gained so much more in the process. Mental health. Physical health. Emotional health. Confidence. Strength. Courage. And grit.</p> <p>I hope you're ready...because this episode is nothing short of magical.</p> <p>And in the next 40-ish minutes Tracie shares with you everything about her process (the good and the bad) so you can draw from her experiences and use that knowledge to move one step closer to achieving your goals.</p> <p>Love you.</p> <p>-J</p>