367 Check Your Bags

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Today, women from East coast to West coast are packing their bags and traveling to Colorado. We all have one destination in mind … the BIG Life Colorado Retreat. The weekend of a lifetime is just ahead, but first, we pack. Before each retreat I provide the all-important packing list. What to wear, what to bring, what you will need. Show up without the right gear and you’re in for a rough retreat. It’s all about the packing list. Mark it off and check it twice.<br> So of course, our most important journey will require the best, most carefully crafted and double checked packing list.<br> You do know you’re on a MOST IMPORTANT JOURNEY, don’t you? Maybe you didn’t even realize, girl you’re going somewhere. What is your most important journey?<br> In Matthew 28:19 Jesus tells his disciples, and each of us, all about this journey. “Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations.” In essence, go and tell people the truth about me. Go and show me to those I place on your journey.<br> So understand, each and every one of us are called to GO. We’re created to be GO-ERS! You need to GO. You were created to GO. Your soul is longing to GO.<br> Going is your purpose. It takes you to your ministry field. Yes, you have a place where you’re supposed to be working, and to get there you must GO. For some, you are to go to a foreign country or another state. For others we are to go to a urban area in need, or it’s a job, a school, a sports team, heck it’s your own neighborhood. Here’s what we miss … wherever God leas you, THERE is your ministry field and that’s where you’re meant to go.<br> God has a plan for you, a place for you to specifically be and a role for you to fill as part of his kingdom work. The question is, how do you know where you’re supposed to go?<br> In Isaiah 30:21, God spoke to Isaiah and gave him a mission. He used him to guide the Israelities in where they should go … you know those lost people who had wandered around in circles for 40 years? Yes, those people. And God simply told Isaiah to tell the people, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying ‘This is the way; walk in it.”<br> Girl, are you seeking God? Are you looking to him for guidance on where to go? Do you truly want to go where he wants? Do you fully trust his plan and purpose for your life? Then find complete peace in knowing, regardless of which way you go, God will guide you. Whether you turn right or left, God will be behind you saying “this is the way, here you go.”<br> Will you trust that? Here’s the thing, when you’re seeking God, you can’t screw this thing up. You’re not possibly big enough to mess up God’s plans forever. You’re not that powerful. God can take even a misstep and use it for good. Have confidence knowing when you’re willing to go, he will guide you.<br> So, this is your journey. What do you need to bring along? Where’s the packing list? This is important. What should you bring where God is sending you?<br> Here we are, thinking and planning, working and preparing so we can take our very best talents and skills, and gather up all the wisdom there could possibly be to be ready to go. We read all the books, we learn all the things, we pack and we pack and we pack … and we are exhausted before we ever take a step in actually GOING where God wants us to go.<br> Some of us are waiting on the packing list for life. What do I need God? I gotta be ready for this. And so we spend the most precious seasons of our life getting ready. Let me ask, how long have you been getting ready to do something for God? You’re getting ready, you’re packing, you’re preparing, and all this time all God has said is GO. Just go. I will guide you.<br>