Hypocrisy in Double Standard Justice - Dueling Dialogues Ep.180

Dueling Dialogues show

Summary: On today's show: Hypocrisy in Double Standard Justice Americans fed up with double standards in the justice system from right to left. Will this create a landslide for Trump? Jean Carol accuses Trump of rape in dressing room of department store mover 20 years ago. George Conway says his wife is credible, why would he do this to his kids? General Flynn makes a discovery about Hillary's emails, 23 classified and compromised. Obama sends law after him right after announcing his discovery? Why does Kerry and Obama get away with advising Iran on Trump in violation of the Logan Act. Biden gets caught paying for Twitter followers. Bernie is upset at banks for lending college students money. Banks stopped this 10 years ago, how did a senator not know this? This was Obama's government. Sen. Omar married her brother, possible immigration and marital fraud as well as maybe even tax fraud and bigamy. How safe is the vetting process for immigrants? Dems hypocrisy talking how republicans are going to split in two. Congressional left will not pass anything for Trump. Dems want to send money to Palestine and not help kids on their own borders. Iran problems continue to plague the US. Iranian people are for the most part innocent being controlled. AOC calling immigration camps concentration camps. How much is it to rent a 2 bdrm home? Most patriotic state New Hampshire #1, Missouri #9. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1621/hypocrisy-in-double-standard-justice-dueling-dialogues-ep-180/