Washingtonians At The DNC, And The Future Of Global Health In Math

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: Powerful Washingtonians Address Democratic National Convention Crowd: Washington Senator Patty Murray and Costco co–founder Jim Sinegal were among a group of high–profile individuals that addressed DNC convention–goers. What did they have to say? City Councilmember Wants To Help Ex–Cons Get Jobs: A Seattle City Councilmember has proposed a new law that would make it easier for job–seekers with a criminal history to get hired. Councilman Bruce Harrell said he wants to level the playing field for ex–cons who've already served their time. Ross Reynolds talks with Harrell about his new plan. The State Of Water Quality In The Puget Sound: A new report released today brings together the best data on the environmental health of Puget Sound. So, what's the status of Washington's waterways? KUOW's Ashley Ahearn has more. The Future Of Global Health — In Math: The US is going to spend nearly $9 billion next year combating global health epidemics around the world. That may seem like a lot of money, but one of the biggest battles health workers face abroad is knowing what to fight, when to provide aid, and where to focus their attention. Ross talks to Abraham Flaxman, a UW professor who is trying to use mathematical formulas to answer these questions.