364 Raise a Hallelujah

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> What do you do when you don’t know what to pray any more? When your spirit is weary, when your worries tower over you and your doubts come creeping in? When reality screams for answers and you’re without a single one?<br> I know exactly what to do. I know because I’ve been there. I am there.<br> You raise a hallelujah.<br> You sing out to a God who is mighty and just, a God who is moved by your praise, a God who has an Army ready to fight for you as your hallelujah sends the marching orders to heaven’s angels. Your hallelujah is a praise to the Almighty, a cry of your spirit worshiping, trusting, surrendering, calling out to your Creator. Will you raise a hallelujah today over the things you don’t even know how to pray about? Will you raise a hallelujah in the middle of this storm? Louder and louder, will you let your praises roar?<br> I fell asleep last night singing Bethel Music’s lyrics, and I woke up this morning as the sun was rising, singing them again …<br> I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies<br> I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief<br> I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody<br> I raise a hallelujah, heaven comes to fight for me<br> I can think of nothing more powerful than praising the one who sees it all, knows it all, and is making a way through it all. This is our faith in action. This is how we climb the mountains and we cross the valleys. This is how we overcome … we raise a hallelujah.<br> While the enemy is still present, you praise God. While the threat still looms over you, while the storm still rages and the answers are unknown, this is when you worship. Yes, we have an enemy – one who is out to destroy us. One who knows our potential even better than we do, who is threatened by our potential, the potential of our children and future generations, and comes to steal, kill and destroy. He uses the enemy of division, the enemy of rebellion, the enemy of sickness and depression, the enemy of desperation, the enemy of addiction, the enemy of bad thoughts and bad choices for absolute destruction in our lives. And here’s what we do in the presence of these enemies … we raise a hallelujah.<br> We lift our praise to the one who can change it all, BEFORE it is changing at all. Before our eyes see evidence of a turn, we worship and praise. Hebrews 11: 1 says “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” This is faith. You don’t see a change yet. There’s no evidence of this storm clearing. You see no way being made … yet. But faith is confidence to keep hoping for and believing in what you cannot see. I believe a way is being made AT THIS MOMENT. I believe tides are turning and breakthroughs are being made. I believe it, not because I can see it – not because there’s a shred of evidence that points to this belief – but because we serve a God who can be trusted. A God moved by our hallelujah.<br> And let me talk to you about this belief … there is still unbelief. There are still moments of rational reasoning that say there’s no way. And listen to me, that’s okay. It’s okay to still question. It’s okay to look at the storm around you and be afraid. Remember when Peter boldly stepped out onto the water with Jesus, and Jesus invited him to do the impossible with him? Peter began walking on the water. It was happening. Peter was doing the impossible with Jesus. Mark 14: 30-31 says “But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.”<br> You have received an invitation to do the impossible with Jesus. An invitation to walk through this storm. An invitation to climb this mountain and cross this valley. An invitation to go through the fire and not be burned.