Nitro Game Injection #360: Jump In (Xbox Legacy Special)

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: NGI celebrates 360 episodes with a playlist dedicated to the legacy of Xbox, with tracks from Halo, Eschatos, Geometry Wars, Killer Instinct, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Perfect Dark Zero, Forza Motorsport, Viva Piñata, and more! PLAYLIST: 01.WillRock – Nitroglycerine Injection (Theme of KNGI :: Amazon) 02.M-H – Lellar Stight (Eschatos [XB360] :: Dwelling of Duels) ... Continue reading ‘Nitro Game Injection #360: Jump In (Xbox Legacy Special)’ » The post Nitro Game Injection #360: Jump In (Xbox Legacy Special) appeared first on KNGI Network.