Teens Parenting Beyond the Rules (Podcast 69)

The Durenda Wilson Podcast show

Summary: I remember when our kids were little and people would say, "Just wait until they are teenagers".  It made me mad that they assumed my kids would grow into impossible teens, but it also cast a seed of doubt in my ability to parent teens. Our culture encourages us to give into one extreme or the other when it comes to our teens:  set super tight boundaries OR let them do whatever they want.  As believers we KNOW that God has a better plan than that, but how do we zero in on what that looks like? Today I am chatting with Connie Albers, author of Parenting Beyond the Rules.  She shares some very deep wisdom and insight from her own experience parenting 5 kids (now adults) and working with teens for over 20 years. She answers questions like: How do you parent teens in the age of social media? How do parents confront their fears when it comes to raising teens? How can parents be proactive in their teen's lives? If a parent feels like they've lost the relationship with their teens (or never had a great one), where do they go from here? AND MORE!