#1778 Reboot: Jerry Colonna and the pursuit of lemon drops

Startup Stories - Mixergy show

Summary: What do you do when you come to that realization in your life that your pursuits are leaving you with a sense of emptiness? Jerry Colonna is one of the founders of Reboot which offers coaching services for individuals, teams and entire organizations. Jerry’s ah-ha moment was when he realized he was always pursuing the feeling of having enough and that he never was reaching that goal. Now, he helps other founders and entrepreneurs find their fullest potential. <p><a href="https://mixergy.com/interviews/reboot-with-jerry-colonna/"><img src="https://mixergy.com/interviews/reboot-with-jerry-colonna/?get-twitter-card=true&amp;v=14&amp;time=1561366481" alt="" class="alignnone size-full"></a></p><p>Jerry Colonna is one of the founders of <a href="https://www.reboot.io/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reboot</a> which offers coaching services for individuals, teams and entire organizations.</p> <strong>Sponsored by</strong><br><p><a href="http://www.hostgator.com/promo/mixergy" rel="nofollow">HostGator</a> – Ready to take your website to the next level? Whether you’re a first-time blogger or an experienced web pro, HostGator has all the tools you need to create a great-looking website or online store. A wide range of options includes cloud-based web hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated servers. Founded in 2002, HostGator is the perfect web partner for business owners and individuals seeking hands-on support. Visit www.hostgator.com/mixergy to see what HostGator can do for your website.</p> <hr> <p><a href="http://www.toptal.com/mixergy" rel="nofollow">Toptal</a> – If you’re having trouble finding developers, Toptal is a network of elite pre-vetted software developers. You tell Toptal what you’re looking for, they search their network for the best people, they test the candidates, and then they present you with only the candidates who meet your individual needs. Once you pick someone you can start work with them the next day. They offer a no-risk trial period. Go to <a href="http://www.toptal.com/mixergy" rel="nofollow">Toptal.com</a>. Get the best of the best right now.</p> <p>More interviews -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/moreint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/moreint</a><br> Rate this interview -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/rateint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/rateint</a></p>